Homepage mockup
I was tasked with creating a fully developed Brand System including a Style Guide and Components for designers and web developers to create MUUS brand assets. I designed every aspect of the brand's identity and specified usage of elements and components, like the logo, colors, typography, and more.
Check out the Brand System and desktop website prototype by clicking the buttons below!

Home page

Chat box

Main navigation


Secondary navigation
Mobile mockups

Style Guide colors page

Components buttons page

MUUS's logo with tagline
MUUS's brand identity revolves around the concept of sound waves, visualized as snaking lines that twirl and contort to form the logotype, as well as other brand elements. The solid version features more polished and balanced letterforms, allowing for better readability at smaller scales. The MUUS logo always remains in black and white to place more emphasis on the categories of study, which each have their own distinct color.

Solid logo with small-scale solid alternate